I’ve been grinding away here in London for almost 10 months now. Doesn’t feel all that long, to be fair as time is quite accelerated in this city for some reason. I definitely felt the difference when I was home a while back for the wedding, but then I guess Cape Town has always been what all the Jo-Burg folk refer to as “fucking slow”.
So absorbed with work and play etc I’ve been that I haven’t actually spent enough time to re-evaluate why I’m actually here. Initially it was for fanciful ideas of travelling and seeing the world et al, earning good ££ and getting “international” work (and play) experience. The travelling bit is still on the cards and there are various reasons why that hasn’t happened yet. Some of them include procrastination, in the form of I’m usually so run down all I want to do when I get home is chill, play games, read… you know, me time type stuff. This, of course, is a fallacy.
An idea that I have conjured up in my own head and is nothing more than a pathetic excuse. Others include nobody seems to ever have spare funds to go travelling with. I’m not saying I’m super well off or trying to exhibit some form of extreme hubris, lets just be clear. But I am so over hearing “I’m not really trying to spend money at the moment…
Financial freedom means a lot of different things to different people. To me, it’s quite simple: be able to pretty much buy my house in cash. Seems logical, if you think that almost everybody will have to wrestle with a mortgage at some stage; a fight that could last the better part of 30 years.
Fuck. That. Shit.
So lately I’ve been playing an advanced game of “house-house”. I’ve always mused over what casa-G-Force will be like one day and have been quietly filing ideas and inspirations away in my head. Like a nice bar design in a restaurant (gotta have a bar!!), or an interesting light effect in someone’s house, or something I saw on TV etc etc. All these nice little touches and ideas that I think will look really cool in my own place one day. Of course, I add my own distinct flavour to it, for good or bad, make it my own and so on. It’s a fun game to play and it’s one I’ve started to play on a more serious note.
Other things will most defiantly include some SERIOUS bio/eco-friendly design and forethought. Apart from the financial benefits, I’ve become quite a tree hugger over the last couple of years, and I want to be part of the solution. And I’m just a total Gadget Whore! The two concepts meld seamlessly in my mind. At the risk of sounding way Middle Management: it’s all about “Synergy” (he says, making little “bunny-ears” in the air with his hands)
God damnit! When did I grow up so fast?
[G], out
Bigger. Better. Faster. Stronger
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