kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

December 04, 2006


Posted by G-force

Ugh, feel like death warmed up. Since last Thursday I’ve been feeling a little bit under the weather, which ramped up to a full blown “man down” situation over the weekend. I blame my housemates. I think my girlfriend was the first one to catch “that thing that’s been going around” about 3 weeks ago, followed by Beefcake and in a very unhealthy game of tag-your-it I guess it was only a matter of time. Generally speaking, I’m like a real life Wolverine. My immune system is bullet proof and the meanest mother fucker on the block (just ask that cancer kid it beat to a bloody pulp a year or so back), but there’s only so much one can take before you need a time out. Even Wolverine needs his beauty sleep.

Feeling better today, although getting up to fast makes my head spin. Looking forward to getting the next 2 weeks out of the way. It’s the only thing standing between here and some serious kickback and R&R. Can’t wait to feel that white sand between my toes…

Oh, and it’s almost time again to review my NY resolutions! Also a good time to reflect on my year, read through all my old posts and what not. I know I was slacking with regards to keeping my blog up to date, but it’s all good. Nothing really worth mentioning happened during that period anyway, no sense in blogging banal everyday shit. Or so I console myself.

I might…MIGHT just buy myself that xmas present I’ve been thinking about for oh, the last 4 months! Heh heh, I have this wish-list, originally called “Project One”, referring to the insanely beautiful media convergence centre I dreamed up (a kind of tester for Casa G-Force, see previous posts). This list has now grown to include all sorts of geekery; simply “must HAVE” additions to my growing empire of toys.

It looms on my desktop, begging to be double clicked, and like a fool-hardy sailor, its siren call beckons me once more. She’s and expensive bitch though, the current tally is running into the £10 000 range… and counting.

Bottom of the range, I have 3 options, which fall within the same price band (i.e. the amount of money I will be able to spend without crying myself to sleep over guilt, not to mention missing the rent, eating rice cakes for a few months and having my girl friend hurt me… a lot… and not in the good way)

They are, in no particular order: a Tag Heuer watch (Aquaracer, with the black face), a Canon 24mm – 105mm F4L IS USM lens (don’t worry if you don’t know what that means… just know that it’s shit hot) and a Canon HD Video Cam. I’ve wanted a Tag since, like, FOREVER and the HD vid cam is nice…but the choice would have to be the lens. That sweet, sweet, shiny lens.

My reasoning is that I’ve now reached a stage where I can actually see the difference a high quality lens makes vs the stock lens you get with the camera body. I’ve been putting this off for a long, long time, and lately it’s frustrating to see the results. Or lack of. Don’t get me wrong, the stock has served me well. But it’s time to lvl up that puppy. So be it.

[G], out

The map is not the territory