Obviously been running around non-stop the last few days, just been one big party to the next. No worries, said parties where well budgeted for. The flight was…mmmm… interesting I would say. The transition to “Africa Time” was harder than I expected. We got a lot of grief from the cabin crew for some odd reason. They where very rude and impolite, and not just to us. They had this “why the hell should I attitude” and, I’m sorry man, but that’s bullshit. I paid good money to be on that flight and they’re ONLY job is to make the total cluster fuck of this experience as enjoyable as possible for me. Smile, tell me I’m beautiful, pour me another whiskey. That’s your job! But when you start arguing with me over banal bullshit and doing your utmost to make life miserable when trying to purchase things off duty free, you should deplane. Preferably at 35 000 feet.
Just a quick note: “Deplane” is in fact the correct terminology, although to me the procedure sounds rather painful, like yanking a plane out of your ass. I think KY can have a solid marketing campaign here.
We did the best we could though, but we would have handled it so well had it not been for a few relaxation techniques we’ve picked up recently. Then of course, there was customs, wanting to confiscate all my camera equipment “until I can prove I bought it here”. Yeah, weaseled my way out of that one too. Good times.
Since Monday we’ve been to various dinners and parties and camp sites and the beach and and and. At any given time, the crew was no less than 12 people strong! I find it difficult to express how thankful I am for these folks and the roles they play in my life. Even more so now after my whole experience on the NLP front, it’s amazing to see how energy flows between everyone. It’s no secret anymore why we build each other up so much. Fascinating stuff.
Of course, I’ve been taking loads and loads of pictures, which I’ll need to disseminate (read: separate pics of genitalia and boobies from the more children friendly ones). I suspect I’ll have one or two for show and tell.
I need to hit the shop real quick later today, for those last minute presents. Also have no less than 2 birthdays coming up, one on the 27th and one on the 29th, so that’s on the list too. And my left arm is stinging like a bitch! I injured myself a little about 4 weeks ago at the gym and now my shoulder is acting up big time. Not good.
Aw man, so much more to tell, so little time!! Also want to keep these entries short and sweet. I’ve made a plan to carry a notebook around with me, because honestly, with everything happening at once, it would be a damn shame not to capture as much as I can. In the same breath, I guess it’s important to also sit back, relax and enjoy the show.
And man, what a fantastic show it is!
[G], out
Keep on playing that same old song
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