Well, the dust has settled, the credit card and various other bills have arrived and the December holiday-honeymoon is well and truly over.
I have the distinct impression that I enjoyed it (the holiday) very very much. Even though it didn’t quite feel like a holiday, with all the goings on. Even putting all of that into words proved too much of a mission. Too big a risk of driveling on. I feel the collage and condensed blurb sums it up quite nicely.
Went to go see Cirque du Soleil on Friday, more specifically Alegria (pronounced: Alle-grea) and it was breath taking! It was as the Royal Albert Hall, which is in itself a massive and lyrical structure. Just sitting in the gallery was an experience. I was especially chuffed because I’ve been wanting to see this travelling phenomenon for the last 3 years now. I’ve got most of their performances on DVD or Divx, but nothing beats being there.
Let’s be clear here: this ain’t you’re average garden variety, “Boswell Wilkie” circus we’re talking about. It’s a whole event, with live music and singing, the acts themselves and load upon loads of “off-screen” things happening all the time all around. From the eerie ringmaster (which looked like a gross between Gollum and the hunch back of Notre Dame) hobbling around the arena to little imp-like stage hands fumbling with props and bickering with each other, chances are you’re always going to miss something somewhere.
All this back ground action doesn’t detract from the main acts though and I got more than a few goose bumps along the way. I would highly recommend it to anyone, don’t miss your chance to see this!
Finished off the evening with a big-ass, well matured Argentinean steak. Quality!
On Saturday we went Ice Skating at one of the many outdoor ice rinks. It was pretty cool, didn’t fall once (on purpose) and it was a nice warm up for the rest of the evening. That night we went to this “Private Club, members only” type deal. Do yourself a favor and check it out here. Of course, in those pics in the “rooms” area is all well lit and all, but come night fall it takes on this dark presence, with suitable music to boot. Felt like I was in a movie, a cross between Blade and Interview with a Vampire. Spooky… but chicks dig it.
Sunday was spent being suitable hung over and baking (rusks. Cus I like rusks).
My birthday is coming up, in about a week. The big two-seven. Not sure how I feel about that yet.
And otherwise, Tai Chi is going great. I’m 5 steps into the 24 steps of the Short form, and I’m absolutely loving it! It gives me something to do over lunch times or when I need to take a break. Calms my mind and re-energizes me, which I believe is the point. Plus, my girlfriend thinks it’s hot, so that’s an added bonus.
[G], outwhite crane spreads it's wings
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