kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

April 01, 2009

The natives are restless

Posted by G-force

Man, had quite a good weekend! Unusually good, in that I wasn't really expecting it to be good. For a start I didn't need to work on Saturday, which is always nice. Seems like every weekend from now till pretty much the day I retire has been booked out / reserved for some activity. I guess I shouldn't complain, because I'm either getting paid or mingling in the social circle.

Did a boat party on the Thames on Sunday, which co-incided with the annual Oxford – Cambridge boat race. So as far as 1st row seats go, you can't go too wrong. I blew it though, trying to take nice pics. I was downstairs at the bar when the 1st race started (they said only at 15:40!!). And when the second started (at 15:40) I got mediocre exposures at best. Oh well. There's always next year.

I wasn't really keen on doing the photogig to start off with, mostly because I get quite sea-sick. And we went to go see Metallica at the O2 the night before. And I was Lazy. But the day turned out to be lovely, the people up for it and, having now finally processed and published the pictures, I am quite stoked with the results. I went a little arty with my post-processing this time. Hopefully I will be able to hide the horrible pics that I took behind a veil of pseudo artistic acumen. There where "other" "official" photographers there too, and albeit nice guys, I always feel like it's a competition. And I have to win. I'm not above throwing people over board to achieve victory.

This week has been an interesting one, with all the G20 commotion. The real protests actually kicked off today, and escalated in some areas. They've smashed windows at one of Royal Bank of Scotland's branches, and the police where getting quite antsy. But most of it seems to be quite good natured, almost carnival atmosphere. We've been in lock down since yesterday, really. They don't seem to be too keen on getting up too early. On my way to work at around 07:00, the streets where DEAD quiet. Hippies need their beauty sleep too, I guess.

Lol, and what was quite amusing to see, is the line of hippies at the starbucks! How you likin' that Capitalist brew, eh? Hard to hate a big corporate who now sells fair trade coffee. REAL hippies would grow / grind / brew their own.

Light weights.

[G], out

Side by side, hand in hand


Zodan said...

Good to hear the seasick didn't get you under to much. Would love to see some of the "arty" pics :o) URL ?

Totally understand what you mean with "competition". Interesting how I feel the same, even when I know I'm no real match for the other guy there...

Like the new theme for the blog..

Greets that side of the pond.