Moved out of my apartment last weekend. What a mission.
Apart from the hard labour, I also had to go through all sorts of sentimental shit. All the little trinkets you’ve been hoarding for, what, 7 years (?) now needed to find new homes / cubbies / dustbins and uprooting one's life is never a simple task.
But I’m getting ahead of myself, since I haven’t really updated my Blog in a while , I’ve noticed. (Actually, that’s a lie, I KNEW I haven’t updated it. If I wasn’t this awesome, I would have sucked. But I am awesome, so I don’t)
Rewind about 2 weeks when, over a nice steak and red wine dinner, I decided that I would severely speed up the timetable and get my ass to the UK (FINALLY!). I guess that is the effect that good steak has on a person. It may have been the red wine, who knows. What I do know is that 4 days later, we’ve organised my girlfriends Visa, sold her car, gave up my flat, flogged (most) of my possessions (although, handover will only occur month end) and the following week I started the long winded, dreary process of hauling what’s left of said possessions back to ye olde folks place.
It’s quite weird, seeing what basically amounts to your “comfortable” existence, being able to fit quite snuggle in the back of a mover’s truck. And the truck wasn’t even that full. As the subject line reads, I really do feel like a hermit crab looking for a new shell. And that last shell was the bomb!! Will I ever find another shell again?! I can imagine little under achiever hermit crabs all around the world (well, at least the parts where hermit crabs would live) getting together in little “Hermit Crab support groups”, where they’d be encouraged to “cry and let their emotions out and to talk about their feelings” and “shells on offer” postings on the bulletin board by the coffee machine (which will only serve decaff)
It is rather amusing to note that by just having my PC and interweb connection back up, my world is already a much better place. But I guess that’s just the techie in me.
So here I am, back where life began (in the Northern ‘burbs), in the same street and very same the house I grew up in, in the SAME freakin room I’ve lived the greater part of my life, and I cannot seem shed all these little analogies and life lessons and “circle of life” thoughts that keep coursing through my mind. It’s like the last 7 years of hoofing it alone never even happen.
What… is… the matrix?
Mind-fucks aside, I’ve finally gotten over the fact that another chapter has closed in what has been quite an eventful (and rich, I dare say) life. I am quite looking forward to get some new direction, some new purpose for all this pent up energy I’ve accumulated. I look forward to the alternative opportunities that the UK will offer, the travelling, seeing old friends and making new ones and just doing whatever! (God, that last part sounded just like the kinda shit you’ll put on a visa application!!)
Anyhoo, we’re looking at a “all systems go” for the first week in February, if all goes according to plan. *holding thumbs*
[G], out
If I could be a superhero, I would awesome man
For Sale : 1 x shell- good condition - harldy used , small knife wound on rear (attacked may enemy anenome) - for what have you (lap dances welcome - prison style)
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