kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

December 12, 2006


Posted by G-force

My left eye has been infected and swollen for the last 3 days. I think it’s getting better, although it’s difficult to say. It’s not the ideal situation, given that we’ll be heading home in less than a weeks time. It does look pretty badass though, like I’ve been in a fight. It serves as a shining reminder to everyone not to fuck with Chuck (and by Chuck, I mean me). I like to see the silver lining in things.

I want to be in tip top form for all that wild-assed partying that will be the ongoing theme for this holiday. It’s good to have a theme. A game plan, a Mission Statement, a deliverable. Key learnings from our last “stab” at this project include:

  1. not drinking enough
  2. not drinking often
  3. not getting tied up and spanked
  4. over inflating Trevor the blow up sheep, resulting in a tragic schmelting accident
  5. hardly even one picture featuring Blue Steel, Ron Bergundy, tricked out Gimps, big big ass sideburns or the letters F through P
  6. failiure to bring “Sexy Back”, “Get Low” or “Thigh Slap with gay abandon”

I’m hoping to add massive value and give 120% this time round. There are no sacred cows. I’m shifting the Paradigm without a clutch.

** pats back, swings round for a sneak-thigh-slap-attack, deftly ending in *pistol fingers* *

(edit: ok, that last part was pure fantasy. The sheer amount of coordination required to pull that action off is well out of reach for any manager. I, however, rock and as such can bring it. No blowup up sheep where harmed during this demonstration)

It’s been quite a build up, from both sides of the land-mass. So far, team G-Force are all in agreement that it’s going to go… shall we say… off? As in, like, sjoe, like, hardcore hey. (getting into my Cape Town speak, or CTS)

Heh, just had a flash back of a conversation I had with a boytjie (more CTS) from P.E. (that flat little dorpie by die sea). He asked if I’ve ever noticed how I can’t stop using phrases like “my broe” and “ya hey” when I’m home. I laughed because it was true! Over here we rarely talk like that, I think partly because we sound like stoned hippies all the time but mostly because it’s annoying. It’s like saying “um” and “aaah” or “so uuuh” before, during or after every single sentence. It’s bad form. And it’s not British. (read: nobody understands you).

So I’d be quite interested to see what hillbilly-redneck-CTS ticks magically re-appear in my vocab (-ulary,…DAMNIT!!) during our 12 hour trek across the planet. The absolute joke is I probably won’t pick it up, because every one else speaks like that too. Rock on.

On that note, a couple of things will be coming up again over the next few weeks. For starters, Summer Diaries will be making a comeback. I did this about 2 years ago and having read over them I think it’s a jolly good idea. I skipped it last year, for some reason, CBA (couldn’t be asked).

Obviously, for a summer diary you need on part big shiny Orb, and since Britain is in short supply this time of year, part one will commence upon touch down in (sunny) S.A. I’m going to revamp my Flickr account for this purpose (even though I loathe uploading pics… it’s a ball ache.) and will have many many pics to share. Mostly of Trevor. And body parts staring with the letter P.

Oh, and in other news, a recent poll found that people who like / dislike Marmite was found to be 50/50

That is all. Dismissed.

[G], out

Roll on summer