kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

December 12, 2006

Retro games rule

Posted by G-force

Oh man oh man, how cool is this? A perfect carrot for learning C if I’ve ever seen one. Sure, I’m only like 10 years behind (or whatever, not counting school. I did Pascal in school… but only because there was this one hot chick in class (also considered a carrot)) but that’s ok. I read this one blog (more specifically this one) the other day which resonates my sentiments to a tee.

Beefcake and I just have so many cool ideas for games, it’s unbelievable. General discussions in the flat when the Girlfriend-unit is not around tend to go as such:

Me (uber-gamer and all round nice guy): man, why can’t they make games that suck less?

Beef (uber-uber-gamer and XBOX live demon) : dunno. We should have been game developers

Me (still rocking with the mad-skillz): yeah.

The rest is just filler, mostly boy stuff (titties, beer, and more games. Or titties and beer, in games).

The thing is I’ve almost always felt myself gravitate back to retro games whenever I want to enjoy “real” game play. This is why I built that arcade machine (and will do so again, I have tons of ideas and sketches already). It feels like everything’s been done. There are hundreds of cool licences that they can revive on today’s toys, like Syndicate (remember that!?), Death track, remake the Monkey Islands, the Space Quests (anything in the ..Quest range)… just Google retro games, for a more complete list! If you think that there’s no merit in my argument, you should think again. Why are people still lapping this stuff up, 10, 15, even 20 years after the fact? Game play, dashed with a hint of nostalgia…

Over and above that, we’ve got our own flava of “wouldn’t it be cool if…” kind of ideas that (certainly from a technical stand point) shouldn’t be that hard to do.

Scaling it down a bit (because you’re British), I’m still getting to know my Classes from my Methods (ps: inheritance is a bitch!), so My First Video Game ™ might still be some ways off. But it never hurts to dream.

[G], out

Because I can’t hold on when I’m stretched so thin