Wake up from a deep deep sleep (been having those lately), blink, caress the little shiny nipple on my Nokia, snooze ensues. Alarm again, fondle Nokia, snooze again. Snooze, like clockwork, between 07:15 and 07:35. Every 5 minutes. Every day. Well, every week day.
Get up, do some warm ups and Tai Chi… which is tough to do straight out of bed. Difficult to become still and focussed, even though you would assume it should be easy. 08:00, hop in shower, damn!, no towel, hop out of shower, almost slip on floor, grab towel, back in shower. Wash. Scrub. Rinse. Gargle. Stand under hot water for another 2 minutes, feeling guilty about wasting water. Some vices are hard to give up.
Dry off, Hop out of shower, deo, get half dressed (pant), put baby powder in socks, put on socks, put on shoes, run water into basin (only a quarter full, waste not want not), squirt a spot of Gillette M3 Turbo (sheesh, can these guys be any more cliché?!) shaving gel onto hand, lather on stubble (goes a long way. Must be why it’s “Turbo”), hit the switch on the Gillette M3 Power Nitro (tm, tm, tm) shaver, go go gadget-shaver (tm tm tm), start to vibrate, shave, wonder if should get a Gillette Fusion Power Phantom (tm tm tm), since it’s the “new” closest shave, even though they promised the M3 Turbo was the closest shave just a few months ago, fantasise about bringing slow and agonising death to all marketing people.
Rinse, pat dry, put on shirt, cufflinks, belt, slap Nivea cream on (nobody likes a spotty twat), style hair, burns, smile, wink, who’s your daddy?
Grab cereal, do pre-work gmail check, eat, load up ipod, grab ipod, brush teeth, rinse, dry, grab coat, grab scarf, grab bag, kiss sleeping girlfriend goodbye, tuck her in, go to kitchen, grab bananna, apple, left overs, head out.
Walk up road to bus stop, listen to ipod (Eckhart Tolle, power of now), see same guy sitting in same chair in same position, smoking cigarette, drinking coffee, reading paper, come rain, snow or shine, sitting outside corner organic food store. Smile. Pass moms and nannies taking kids to school, dodge the cyclers, taxi’s, cars, get to bus stop. Wait. Bus arrives, full. Wait.. Wait. Bus arrives, squeeze in. Look for seat, none. Next stop, seat opens up, take it. Observe my surroundings, people, cars, trees, sun (wonderful sun), close eyes, bask, smile, go far far away to home, beaches, soft sand, laughter, open eyes, Stop. Stop. Stop. Still smiling. Stop, get off bus, walk to office.
Enter building, greet security card, push bag against reader, bleep, go through turnstile. Climb stairs to 3rd floor, push bag against reader, bleep. Take off bag, coat, scarf, greet minions. Take access card out of bag, clip to belt. Do morning checks, log into gmail, msn, load up webcomics (dilbert, pearls, penny arcade), load up digg, engadget, sql server performance, etc. Scan a bit, Push card against reader, bleep, grab hit “80” on the vending machine (cappuccino, strong, with sugar). Smile, love free vending.
Back to desk, work work work, read article on performance counters in SQL 2005, work work coffee, perv over next tech purchase, ask universe for it, work, eat apple, take call from girlfriend, work, lunch (read book… modern man is a wimp), work, break for tai chi, go to my “secret spot”, be still, be calm, centre, do slight warm up, step into tai chi forms, bow, back to desk, work work, phone girlfriend, talk shit, coffee, work work, eat banana, work work. 17:30, grab coat scarf, bag, say good byes, hit card against reader, bleep, take elevator to Ground floor, pull out ipod, hit card against turnstile reader, beep, exit building, walk to bus stop.
Get on bus, grab seat, stop, stop, think about dinner, stop, stop, stop, get off bus. Walk home, admire church I pass everyday, how light falls over it, and how the graveyard looks especially eerie this time of night, Fumble with keys, open door to building, check mail, elevator broken, take stairs, promise to water plant by the window, open door to flat, grab a glass, fill with water, go back outside, water plant, talk to plant, caress plant, wish plant was better conversation, head back to flat, take off bag, coat, scarf, take out frozen chicken.
Grab glass of water, kick off shoes, log into pc, check daily downloads, post work gmail check, take off cuff links, relax. Go to room, take off work clothes, put on jean-pant / t-shirt. Scratch my nuts. Back to Pc, chill, play game, girlfriend arrives home, kiss, Beefcake arrives home, no kiss. Beefcake starts dinner. Talk shit to everyone, watch tv, eat, drink, play another game. Retire to bedroom, strip down to tighty-whities, hop into bed, read (modern man is a wimp). 23:33, lights out, kiss girlfriend goodnight.
And sleep.
Deep, deep sleep.
[G], out
Great post G. Het gedink om iets soortgelyks te doen, maar om Canon saam te vat vir al die pointers :)
Maybe when I settle in a little more in new job.
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