kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

March 08, 2007

Stepping up

Posted by G-force

Attended another one of them new-fangled NLP seminars over the weekend. Mnmnmn, didn’t have the same level of euphoric epiphanies and ground breaking realisations, sprinkled with a touch cinnamon. But that’s to be expected. The best way I thought about it was that I already spring cleaned my house the last time round, got rid of that god-awful kitchen, refitted the bathrooms, painted, dusted and sanded down all the woodwork. This time round I simply restocked the beer fridge (yes, in my house I have an entire fridge dedicated to beer), mowed the lawn (for a change) and re-arranged the lounge somewhat (the feng-shui was misaligned and the TV was catching a bit of sun in the late afternoon).

Not to say I didn’t get any return on my time invested. I feel lighter, more confident, less pissed off (yeah, no idea why, been a grumpy SOB lately) and more clear headed. I picked up some bad stuff over December and only now managed to totally rid myself of it.

I feel especially happy today because I finally got a birdie on the golf game on my cell phone! Stoked about that, I reckon I should go pro. Everything I touch turns to gold.

On the Tai chi side of things, I’ve completed up to step 6 of the 24 step form. Super stoked about that as well. As I’ve mentioned before, it’s a lot harder than it looks and, being the perfectionist I am, I absolutely strive to get every single step right. Of course, it’s not all about that, because on top of the “body” aspect, you have to bring in the “mind” and “soul” parts, all working in unison. And I can confirm, the very few times I manage to harmonise these three, the experience is quite rewarding. :)

On the C# side, things have ground to a halt (somewhat). Ive gotten about as far as I was last time round, in that I have everything locked and loaded on my PC, all frameworks installed and a ton of video and ebooks tutorials. I’ve worked through a few videos but I want to step up my game (no pun intended).

On the Photography side, I met this dude who has his own photography business at the NLP seminar. I mentioned to him that I have this “all the gear no idea” feeling about my pictures, in that they’re not as good as they can be / I WANT them to be (by the way, this could be a total misconception on my part, being a perfectionist and all). At any rate, I asked if he would mentor me somewhat and he was cool with it. This is another area I really want to start showing up.

Couple of exciting things coming down the pipeline. It’s almost summer again, so we all know what that means: CAMPING! We may even kick off a bit early this year, take a trip out somewhere over the Easter weekend. Not sure where yet, but that’s part of the fun.

[G], out

help yourself to guns and ammo