kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

May 13, 2007

Catch up

Posted by G-force

Well gosh darnit, wouldn’t you know... I’ve been spending so much time playing with my Facebook profile that I don gone all about forget to update this blog!

Yeah, Facebook. All the cool kids are doing it nowadays. Usually I wouldn’t fall for such fads (well, not technically a fad, facebook has been around for a while now). Myspace leaves a bad taste in my mouth, never used it. I have a login to it, but that’s only used when I’m forced at GUNPOINT to “look at my profile”. That, and if the chick is, like, super hot. Gotta love those slide shows of you and your girlfriends…

Been up to much lately. Had a wicked trip to Bath over easter weekend, checked out the Gumball 3000 about 2 weekends ago. Other than that, I’ve just been working working working. Been pulling long hours, and it ain’t gonna get any better. June is especially tight. In between all of this I’m trying to get as “walking” fit as I possible can, for the Three Peaks Challenge. Yeah, I know, WTF was I thinking, right? I figured it’s just like with the Argus Cycle tour, a few years back. Seemed like this big, frightening thing initially, but if you dedicate (at least some) time to training and mentally gear up for it, it’s do-able.

In other news, I found out that DubaiBob (you remember him?) is getting hitched. I spent the remainder of the Sunday evening drenching my sorrows with Margarita (the drink, not the girl). It’s always sad when one of the wing-men gets shot down. But I shall raise my cup and drink deep, for he was a hellu-va fighter, superb squad leader and close friend!

Mnmnm, lets see, what else? Oh, finally got my shit together with the SQL 2005 project. Bought (yes BOUGHT?!) some Learnkey goodness. Of course, I haven’t had the time to actually even INSTALL it, but I plan on making time this weekend.

The ID theft thing is ongoing, still. What a palava, they still think I’m involved. Last thing I’ve had to do was go all the way home from work (from WORK!!) to accommodate the fucking meathead arriving (un-announcent and un-invited) at my front door, demanding I see him or else he just gives it over to the courts and random bad things ensue. Fuck sakes. Stop the madness, stop it.

Not letting that BS get me down though, I’ve done nothing wrong and the sooner they realise I’m the victim in this (and what ever happened to “innocent until proven guilty”?!), the better.

[G], out.

e-Viva e-Spania