kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

January 21, 2008

Suck on this

Posted by G-force

Had a damn good weekend. Didn't do much, to be honest (by my standards). Mostly parked on our (new, leather) (ps: yeah baby) couches, played Xbox (Mass Effect) (ps: God, I love this game!). Also did a mini photo shoot for a friend's t-shirt business, which involved a big Afro wig, lollipops and lots of cleavage and bondage tape. I'll let your imagination roam free on that one for a while…

Hit a friends place on Saturday evening, for a night of drinking, pizza and board games. Played "30 Seconds" again for the first time in 2 years, what a blast! So it was girls vs. boys, the boys winning out, of course. Not due to superior knowledge, but to "loaded dice", if you believe the girl camp.

Some gems:

"the opposite of Coke?" – HERION! (answer : Pepsi)

"something you suck on to relieve a hangover?" – PENIS! (the boys cried, in unison. The answer the girl was looking for was "Ginger". I'm sticking with penis…)

"Filthy people that don't bath?" – HOLLAND! followed by PORTUGAL! ("Portuguese Shower" was the answer. This was funny, because we had representatives from both countries present, the one from Holland yelling out HOLLAND!)

My secret little project had a major breakthrough today!! The designs are finalised and costing will be completed by Wednesday. I'm so super fucking stoked I can hardly contain myself. The hardest part of this is keeping it under wraps for another 3 weeks. Just. three. more. weeks.

The suspense is killing me!

[G], out

I guess the winter makes you laugh a little slower