kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

February 19, 2008

Three cheers

Posted by G-force

Back at work today for the first time in 3 weeks. Had a fantastic trip down to Cape Town, although as per usual I didn't get to do or see as much as I would have liked. It was a little different this time round, being February and all. Everyone was in work mode, and the "still paying for December" syndrome of January has just worn off (I'm hoping!). Have a boat load of pics to work through too, as usual.

The big activities on the cards where of course DubaiBobs wedding and my birthday. The third, super secret one was for me alone. *grin*

For the last 4.5 months or so I've been emailing and sms'ing between London and Cape Town with a very good friend of mine. He's a graphics designer / artist / demi-god by trade, and I asked him to start throwing some ideas around for an engagement ring. I know what my GF likes, and since he designed her tattoo I could think of no better man for the job. He graciously accepted the project, even though, he'd later admit, it was the most stressful, difficult and rewarding he's ever done!

The big night was on Friday, the 8th of the 2nd of the 8th (080208). For some reason, I quite liked this date, plus it meant we could spend another week or so together before I had to get back to London. Of course, it didn't go exactly as I had originally planned! But all things being fair. The restaurant I wanted to use, the very sexy Antique and Butterfly bar on the 31st floor of the ABSA building had closed down, I only SAW the ring for the first time the Friday afternoon, at 16:00 and so on and so forth. But It really did turn out to be a fantastic moment in history for me. It was never really about location anyways: I wanted as many of my chosen family around us as possible.

So Theo's in Mouille point played host to about 17 of us. I invited more, but sadly some couldn't make it (and I wasn't about to tell them exactly WHY it was important they did).

Why Theo's? Best steak in the Western Cape, PERIOD! And I loves me some good eaten'. Heck, even the weather played along, although with the spectacular view of the Atlantic ocean that Theo's offers, it would didn't need to.

After supper and too much wine, everyone was outside on the veranda, having a smoke etc. I silenced everyone, did a quick speech about how we are lucky to have such good friends, and how we missed them all terribly while in London. And then I said "but that's not WHY I wanted to make a speech" followed by "Annelie…". Everyone kind of went "wooaaaow!" and Annelie was pretty much rendered speechless (which continued for another 25 minutes after the proposal, btw. Well, speechless, laughing and crying, pretty much). The proposal part I have on video, as someone had the sanity of mind to press "record" on their cell phones. It's weird, watching it again! I'm sure as time goes by, it'll become even more special to me.

So, did the run up, told her how much I loved her and how I want to grow old with her, went down on one knee and so on. "And the crowd went wild", I guess you could say.

I ordered a round of 5 bottles of "Sparkling Wine" and, after settling the tab, headed to Cubana in Green point for the after party, as it where. We needed to get out of there soon after though, as I was pulling best man duties a few hours later.

So, there it is. My super secret project, 4.5 months worth of secret messages and cross-country collaboration and trying my best to play down ANY talk of marriage and weddings et al. I'm amazed how all the conspirators involved managed to keep it a secret too, and I'd like to thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Next post: the rest of the trip!

[G], out

I've got a confession to make