So of course getting engaged was the highlight of my trip. But to be fair, the other activities where pretty cool too.
Can't say too much about the bachelors party, since what happened there should probably stay there. The man of the hour did look very slinky in that pink and black, frilly cabaret dress.
The wedding proper was really beautiful. It was in Stellenbosch at a very nice estate called Blauwklippen, for the service and the reception.. It's always an interesting one, trying to look all dignified and together, suited up, in 36 degree heat. A sweat-fest of note. Amazingly, and a testament to the brides utmost style and composure, I didn't even notice one bead of sweat, not one hair out of place when she walked into the chapel. No darting eyes, absolutely no hint of butterflies.
After the "I Do's" and the kissing, we lined up for the photographers. To say that I was paying keen attention to the latter would be an understatement. What toys they where using, what they required from their assistants, how they built rapport. And being the total geek I am, I was nitpicking on everything. I did the exact same thing at my brothers wedding. Of course, I got my own camera out later and managed to coax quite a few good shots.
I didn't have to do much by ways of "best-manning", since we where a gang of three. The MC had it totally under control and it was nice to sit back and enjoy the proceedings for once, and not have to think about schedules and timings and special requests and SPEECHES and and and…
Talking about speeches: I had no idea, till that very minute, how insanely passionate the newly weds where about each other. I mean, I've know DubiaBob for like ever, but man. He's speech choked my shit up.
I left at about 23:00 (respectable time to leave, its been a long day!), fiancé in tow. We hadn't really spent any time together since I popped the question, so it was nice to finally have some time to ourselves.
Got home, pulled the mattress and all the covers into the lounge and made a big Christmas bed. This was 4 tens romantic and 6 tens practical, since the lounge has an aircon unit, and it was still 30 degrees!!
Love that African sun.
Next post: roti's, saddle sores and boere-tans!
[G], out
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