kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

October 22, 2008

all the leaves are brown

Posted by G-force

Autumn is here

I’ve been watching this tree outside our kitchen window going through its seasonal change. It’s a bit of an overachiever though, since none of the other tress are following suit. It reminded me that I wanted to trek to a view parks around LondonHolland Park is looking good; they have the most amazing Japanese garden. and try and capture some of the magnificent colours of autumn.

Speaking of photography, I’ve had a steady influx of freelance work the last few months. Not exactly getting paid though, in monetary terms. But the opportunity and experience is, in itself, payment. It’s helping me build a good portfolio and feeds the photoblog website. I have yet another batch of portrait shots to do on Saturday, another gig on Thursday evening, followed by a Halloween party on Friday. And then, again on Saturday, I’m heading over to a friend’s place for “Photoshoot!” a little thing he’s trying to get of the ground. Basically, it involves a bunch of folks who enjoy photography coming together, having a few drinks and making portraits. A little idea sharing session, which is great I think. Lately I’ve had a bit of a lull though, kind of like a need a new muse. I have many pictures that I could work on, get prepped up for the site and so on. But my hearts not in it at the moment. I think the next 2 weeks of exposure (please pardon the pun) will re-invigorate me.

I guess it’s also that feeling that, hey, it’s already the end of the year! Damn Xmas commercials are already in full swing. Giving the state of the economy, I doubt it’ll be a merry one, for the commercially inclined. I digress, the point is that I feel I’ve done a fair share of activities and grown a bunch this year. Maybe a part of me just wants to kick back, play some games and enjoy some friends.

Been giving gym a skip this week, my right wrist is showing signs of carpal tunnel again. Well, probably not CP, but it feels sprained. I think I have too many intense, late night Starcraft sessions to thank for that! Got a few friends loaded up on my private hamachi network and it’s proving very addictive. Can’t wait for SCII.

Speaking of which, the fall line-up of new game releases is staggering! Fallout 3 and Dead Space, to name but two. I’ve already completed the shopping list for my new rig. Don’t think I’ll commit just yet, with the new Intel chipsets inbound (yes, I’m going Quad Core. I have relented) the prices should come down quite a tad. Also going to invest in a “real” monitor, one that will go a long way with the photo editing. It’s a careful balancing act between getting married next year and the tech budget though.

Now. Where did I put the batteries for my flash guns…

[G], out.

and the sky is grey