That’s not to say that I haven’t been actively posting things to the internet, far from it.
After the Facebook honeymoon has worn off, and bandages from the plastic surgery where removed, I’ve kind of not spent as much time as I (almost obsessively) used to. For one, I guess it’s because I find the new interface (said plastic surgery) counter intuitive and crowded. For another, I guess I’m not too fussed to hear how “so and so is sooooo hung over from that all nighter!!!11oneoneone”. Seriously, who cares?
I resolved to use the platform almost exclusively for uploading pictures. This enabled me to share my work / happy snaps / fine art (guffaw) with the “minions” and I will admit I really appreciate the comments. 2008 was the year in which I learnt to deal with criticism. I guess it’s natural, considering all the effort I put into it, only to be (potentially) shot down. What a silly notion!
But even that wasn’t enough. I wanted my own platform where I could publish my work, still gather feedback (good or bad. More bad, I’d prefer more insights into areas I could improve). More importantly, I wanted a space that was MINE. Not something where I need to sign a 200 page EULA to do anything.
And so, was born. It’s still a modest step, Great lessons are still being learnt. But if I where to remain true to anything, it is this: this blog has always served as a journal, of sorts. One that chronicles my growth, thought patterns and deviations.
I think I’m ready to start recording again.
[G], out
Here lies one whose name was writ in water
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