kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

January 07, 2009

Got my first real six string

Posted by G-force

First off, happy new year! Yeah, I know, we’re like one week deep already but I’m a late bloomer.

To further re-enforce this fact, I’ve taken up the guitar again. She arrived the day after new years day, she is midnight black and she is beautiful. Been playing it every night so far, getting my chromatic scales and G and C chords on. Also banging out some A’s and D’s. Swtiching between them, well, that’s another story. But my fingers are callusing up quite nicely and I’m going at “Leaving on a Jet plane” with fervour (“simple” C to G repetition.)

And still on the late bloom theme, I’ve decided that I want to try and get a few of the folks here into some D&D action. I’ve only ever played it like, twice, but enjoyed it emmensly on both occasions. The 4th edition rulebooks arrived yesterday and I’ve been combing over the DM guide like a man possessed.

Had a pretty good new years, nothing over the top really. It was quite chilled, headed up to a cottage with 12 other folks. I go through phases though, one NY it’s chilled the next is rock out with the cock out. I feel this year we should go hunt down a good party.

In other news, I’m getting married in 2 months, to the day. I reckon around this time I should have just finished a light lunch while contemplating the quickest route to the nearest airport. It’s never too late…

I’ve also been getting back up to speed with the event management folks on what’s plotting for 09, where my photographic services will be required. So far it looks like I’m going to be doing a band promo shoot in 2 weeks time, should be interesting. Heck, I may even get paid! But that’s wishful thinking :)

[G], out

All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee