So, flying home tomorrow.
I’ve been oscillating between various states of calm and apprehension, like a very laid back Capetonian sine wave. This is probably one of the last few blog entries I will be making as a free man. Not that I wish to make it sound like I’m about to stand in front of the gun squad, gagging on the cigarette hanging loosely from my mouth (since, you know, I don’t smoke. But the cigarette seems appropriate). I’m quite calm about the prospect of getting married. I think I feel more apprehensive about the packing and traveling bit, just because it’s so important not to forget anything. The traveling bit is quite alright, I enjoy traveling with Annelie.
All these last minute things… It should also be mentioned that we have well and truly blown the budget for this shindig. Oh well, I’d like to say “it’ll only happen once.”
Our friends here in
A few other things I want to get out of this trip is to try (really try) to slow things down a bit. Be more present. I always have this intention before we go back, and almost always it’s over before I know it. I’d also like to take a few family portraits. Again, my intention is always to do this… never get to it. Or rather: never MAKE time for it.
The other thing that’s been bugging me, around the aforementioned “family issues” has finally been resolved. I’ve come to a few realisations and my perception of certain realities have proven false. I think some tensions will still remain, but that’s due to OTHER peoples realities being false. If (or hopefully, when) they finally break through that barrier is totally up to them. In the meantime, I can only control my own reality. Just the way I like it :)
So I guess that’s it. It’s my last day in the office, took the day off tomorrow to engage in the Strategic Packing Initiative (or SPI, cus acronyms rock). It’s strategic, cus we have waaahaaay too much shit that we need to pack, and in the cheap-seats we can only lug 20KG’s each. Yeah, who the hell only packs 20KG’s when flying long-haul?? Heck, my camera gear probably weighs close to that.
Guess I’ll be wearing every piece of clothing I own onto the plane. Again.
[G], out
Everybody’s gonna have a real good time
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