We celebrated our very first month of marriage yesterday. :)
I'm not so weirded out by the concept as I am by the concept of time. A Month! A whole month has gone by. Dipping into my very deep bag of clichés, it feels like yesterday. I have actively tried to recall every minute detail of the event, to keep it fresh. So far so good.
Our official wedding pictures arrived last week… well… I'm in two minds still if they're any good. The wind was a big hassle, of course. And there seems to be quite a few moments "missing". I'll need to chat to the photographer to see what's up. I am of course critical. But this shit is important!
Project Afrika is picking up steam this week. We need to get as much done as possible in the next few weeks to make sure all the equipment we'll need will be loaded in Cape Town, since we will only be joining the tour in Livingston. Also Visas, driving licenses, inoculation shots, malaria drugs (or alternatives) are all on the table.
My new laptop arrived and I finally took the plunge into Vista land. I have to grudgingly admit… I am quite impressed. Blasphemy, I know, since I have been advocating my distaste for it. But I tracked down a very verbose document on how to install and tweak it PROPERLY, and it's been very fast and very stable. As an added bonus, my Wacom tablet works so much better! Overall, Vista plays very well, like your younger, more open minded sister. Ol' Bessy (aka "the Wolverine", aka "The Beast", aka "My Desktop Workstation) is looking a little pale all of a sudden. Extreme makeover time!
Other toys I've been looking into is a good set of binoculars, a multi tool and trying to figure out how best to power the mobile command centre. With tactical strike capability. And shiny, spinning rims. I'm trying my best not to over-geek the whole thing (yeah, right). My goal is to keep things simple, light and mobile, and I think I'm managing that so far.
Speaking of camping, we are heading down to Newquay (heh heh heh "nookie") this Easter weekend. It's on the West Coast of the Island, the British equivalent of white sandy beaches, hot surf spots and beach parties. The pictures look quite good, but it's the weather that would need to play along to match the azure blue utopias they depict. We shall see. There is also this little thing called the Eden Project, on route. I'm hoping we can stop by on the way back to London.
Right! That's it. Gonna go grab some Aeropress(ed) coffee goodness and try and look productive.
[G], out
painting faces, building places i can't reach
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