kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

March 15, 2010

Detox Day 8: routine

Posted by G-force

Everything is more or less like routine now, with the waking up, drinking the water, having a banana, heading to work and scoffing down more fruit till lunch.

Annelie has recovered quite a bit from last week; she was feeling very down and less than energetic. So that’s a good thing. After work I went over for my regular Monday shock treatment. It was also “measurement day”. Turns out I’ve lost 19 cm’s overall (no, I’m not shorter; it’s around my guy and legs etc). Had a delicious sampling of vegetable soup! It actually tasted edible. Clearly I need to tweak my recipes a bit more, because the soup I had at his place I can eat all day.

After the measurements, the other thing Morne checks for is, well, hard to explain. I don’t actually know what it’s called, but it’s this heat sensitive contraption, mounted on a bracket with a digital camera, that he presses against your stomach, with a black backing, kind of looks like film for an x-ray machine. What happens next is it reacts to your body heat, the black turning various shades from black to yellow and orange and red to blue. From what I gather, this shows how well your body can move food around your gut; the aim is to be blue all the way through. When we started last week I was already in the oranges and reds, with tinges of blue. Annelie was BLACK. Tonight I was showing more signs of blue popping through, so a dramatic difference. I saw Annelie’s and she too was progressing nicely, but not a quickly as I was. All that means is that she will have to see the course through to the end to get the kind of results she needs. She is hoping to flush out all the junk and potential toxins left over from the Africa trip, with all that amoeba nonsense. I was thinking, since I’ve made such good progress, that I may just call it a day after this week. But we’ll see. There’s a 2.5KG chocolate Easter egg down at M&S that has my name on it.

Dinner was ratatouille with baked patatos, a really nice dish! I tried making some overn baked crisps, but that experiment failed. I need to figure out a way so that they don't stick to the bottom of the tray.

This weekend, I’m getting my head around the Homecoming Revolution at the London Olympia. I will be taking pics of the event again, and as before I’m a little unnerved about being in the company of so many esteemed guests and speakers. But I nailed it on the head last year, so it should be fine.

[G, out]

Something bad in the cellar