kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

April 26, 2010

Lil action

Posted by G-force

Well, wow… Turn of events played themselves out and ultimately we spent the week at home instead. And you know what, I’m actually so glad we did. I managed to get a ton of learning done! The weather also played a big part and just strolling around town during “school hours” was really refreshing. I updated my wardrobe, planted new seeds in the variety of flower pots and containers on my balcony, practiced Qi Gong, learnt about Dreamweaver and CSS, exercised, studied marketing and sales, helped out Morne with his business, managed a lively facebook social group.. wow, just a lot of cool stuff.

I’ve also learnt a few very crucial things about myself and taking time to explore these traits has been very rewarding.

My vision going forward (and working my way to that £10 Squillion mark) is to become an internet marketing specialist, more specifically South Africa’s leading expert. No small feat, but I am geared to do it! Being a consultant is already up my alley and what I’ve already discovered but only now internalised is that I love teaching. I also love streamlining things, tinkering, fixing or engineering solutions, putting processes in place. I used to think this was because I was lazy, as in I’d rather have everything scripted than have to do work manually. But this is not so: I actually derive great joy and purpose from it! It’s all very congruent.

I’ve been immersing myself in this knowledge and learning and for the first time in what must be a decade I feel inspired again. It’s great that Annelie is on the same wave length. I’m also surrounding myself with people that are passionate about change and getting things done.

Just surfing the wave man, just surfing the wave :)

Stuff I learnt, in a nutshell:

Don’t shy away from competition, embrace it. Playing powerful opponents is a shortcut to hyper-learning
Take little actions to achieve your goals.
Observe ego reactions and addictions to repetitive thought patterns and extreme emotions
Observe the latter from a non-egotistical viewpoint (this is so much fun to do :) )
Listen to your heart
Exercise Discipline in my endeavors
Your perception and intentions can influence probability
Make friends with yourself, fall in love with who you are all over again (not to be confused with ego…)

Here’s to the future.

[G, out],

Trust me, on the sunscreen