kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

April 17, 2010

Release the Kraken!

Posted by G-force

Not every day that you hear this on the tubes “you should check your flight before you travel as UK airspace has been closed for 24 hours”. My head went into the following skit: “And of course this will all go down when we’re booked to actually FLY on Monday… I’m gonna have to raise a ticket with the support desk; you need to plug that bitch right now, severity 1!! And would somebody please get hold of god?! He’s supposed to be on call! Fuckit, I want to escalate; who’s his manager?? ...Oh… I see… ok, well, is Cory Doctorow available? “

Reports are murky (no pun intended) but they reckon the cloud could hang around for long as 6 months. Not good for already recession pounded airliners. I see the stock market has already voted with their wallets. Not that I give 2 fucking shits about airlines, or stock brokers for that matter. The practice of flying is an abomination; I believe I’ve ranted about it before. Maybe it’s only because we fly coach.

Other than that, saw Clash of the Titans in 3d the other day. It was ok-ish, I guess. It’s a retelling of an old movie that was a retelling of Greek (or Roman) bedtime stories that was a telling of some cool stuff some dudes did to piss off the gods. But entertainment value was high! My new favourite saying is “Release the Kraken!” Bad service at the M&S? RELEASE THE KRAKEN! Getting stuck in the tube tunnel in an overcrowded train? RELEASE THE KRAKEN! Mayo on your sandwich when you EXPLICITLY said NO mayo? RELEASE THE GOD DAMNED KRAKEN! You have to see the flick, I guess…

So Friday, got a lot on this weekend. The marketing and business seminar last weekend was mid expanding, still downloading bits and pieces (my mental torrent queue is extremely buffered up!) and this weekend we are doing a Power to Create course. I wanted to do it since it’ll help maintain the momentum from the last course and I think I have pin pointed a few items I want to get rid that don’t serve me anymore. Besides that I’ve met some truly interesting folks, lively bunch of people.

[G, out]

Plum chutney do-see-do