kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

April 08, 2010

Detox Redux

Posted by G-force

I have had a few moments to really think about the last week after our detox exercise. Annelie and I spent the weekend basically destroying ourselves with junk food, sugar and caffeine, ribs, Dim Sum, not to mention way too much alcohol on Saturday night, even mildly poisoning ourselves in the process! I continued this trend over the next few days, meeting up with the old LSE guys for a round of Ale’s at Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese in Fleet Street on Tuesday. To say this is an “old” pub is a complete understatement. They were swiggin’ ales in this joint long before the Cape of Good Hope was even on the map.

I digress. The point is we have now swung to the other extreme of the scale and have finally normalised into a healthier (even more than before!) “normal” diet. I still stick to the warm water and fruit in the morning, but switch in a high protein diet for lunch (chicken / tuna). I’ve started hitting the gym again pretty hard which means that I am also substituting the lunch-meats with a protein shake. I figured since I actually have abs now (how cool is that??) I may as well maintain them.

Oddly enough, I have not immediately picked up my Java habit again. I had ONE cup again this morning and it totally screwed me up! Heart palpitations, dizziness, sweats, the whole caboodle. Annelie commented that she is glad I now know what it feels like whenever she drinks coffee. I’ve not had a hankering for it either, so I dunno… I think I may need to tweak my intake anyways, clearly drinking a whole cup in one go is out of order.

Sugar!! Holy crap, sugar messes me up! Sweets, chocolate, you can “feel” it rushing through your body. Maybe most people can? I don’t know, other than I had never experienced these phenomena before.

What I am getting to is the bit about how I think all in all this whole idea of detoxing is not half bad. I will tell anyone though that you’d better have your big-boy pants on, because if you are a detox virgin, you are going to KAK the first few days. But stick with that and it gets easier. My results came through yesterday (nice PowerPoint presentation with all my stats and scans) and well, Morne was less than subtle by saying my results look the way they look because I deviated too much from the plan. Which is fair enough; full disclosure has always been to try and hack the recipe book. Physically though, there is no denying that it works as both a weight loss and a cleansing program. I’d go as far to say that mentally, a few dip switches get reset also.

Anecdote: Elixir Wellbeing will be offering a 12 week (YES! 3 MONTHS!!) Uber-Cleanse program soon. It’s all Vegan, all hardcore and delights include having nothing but water for 2 days, yoga and colonic irrigation. I am thoroughly confident that should you stick through such an ordeal you will be bench pressing X-Wings in the swamps of Dagobah with your MIND without breaking a sweat!

I still feel very energetic and upbeat and keen to start eating well again, married with a constructive gym routine. I would highly recommend the program to anyone; the hardest thing is not going up to someone who I can see who would benefit immensely from it and suggesting they sign up! I fear that “are you saying I’m fat?” discussion. But man, I can see huge potential and benefit from doing it!

Anyways, I’m still processing and will no doubt fall back on this train of thought a few more times.

This weekend: Annelie and I are attending Kerwin Rae’s marketing seminar, where I wish to learn Kung-Fu. I actually have no clear idea how I will apply said Fu, only that I am willing to learn. Adwords, web marketing, joint ventures, all that good stuff. I’ve even taken off work tomorrow since it starts then till Sunday evening late. I’ve made a pledge to make £10m in cold hard cash so any tools I can use to achieve that goal is most welcome.

PS: never read Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”. It’ll only inspire and frustrate you to be someone you’d never thought you could be.

[G, out]

Reality squared


Unknown said...

Thank you G.

Here's to you kid.