kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

April 22, 2009

a bugs life

Posted by G-force

I'm such a maroon. This whole time I've been so focused on the big problems. The Hyena's, the Lions, Raptors (they CAN. NOT. BE. TRUSTED!! WHEN WILL YOU PEOPLE LISTEN!?), Zombies, I had all of them covered for the safari. All the while, the real enemy was silently biding it's time: Bugs man. BUGS! Africa has a shit-ton of em!! Some the size of a monkeys fist!

How could I have missed it? Oh sure, yeah, I had mosquitoes covered, obviously, since malaria is kind of a big deal in those parts. But last night it occurred to me that my laptop screen will effectively act like a giant "Eat at Joe's" sign for the greater part of the Savannah.

I've been having a few revelations like this during the last week. Simple things like getting up in the middle of the night to take a leak. Simple, if your bathroom is down the hall. NOT so simple, if all that's separating you from say, the pack of Hyenas (and a legion of BUGS!) outside the tent, is 3mm of khaki tarp. Or mauve tarp, I haven't decided yet. Mauve seems less conspicuous, the colour of a giant dinosaur turd. THAT will keep the beasties away.

I must return to my research. There is much to do.

[G], out

one is the magic number