kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

June 13, 2009

It's Aliiive, ALIVE!!

Posted by G-force

Hey hey

So ok, times up! Getting all saddled up and ready to boogie down to Africa. I have launched a sister site over at Totally check her out, she's hot!

I will be keeping memoirs of the entire experience, as well as taking a shed load of pictures. All of which will be queued up and fired up to the intertoobs as soon as my Tacticle Mobile Command Centre(tm) even gets a whiff of internet access. If not, well, just keep your bedroom window open at night. I have pigeons... legions of pigeons ready to carry my word and whims on the wind to your eager hearts. Rejoice!

Thats it.

[G], out (for now :) )
