It would seem that both Annelie and I are experiencing a strange phenomenon. I had a moment on Friday and she had hers last night. It’s a weird point where you feel like this whole thing is BS and you don’t want to do it anymore, and you rage against it. But for no perceived reason whatsoever. When you calm down, and think logically about it, you’re not angry at all. Your not craving anything, you’re not really tired… of anything. So what, then, triggers this tantrum?
Morne said that every single one of them had the exact same thing happen to them! I remember him telling me this a while back too…
About half way through, everyone’s “stuff” would pop up. And every time when analysed it was found that it’s not the diet that’s pissing them off but other deeply rooted personal issues. Very tree hugger, I know, but maybe there is something in this. He did warn me at the beginning that the detox process is not just about food. There are trains of thought that we store a lot of emotions and memories right in our very cells. Could these be coming out in bouts of anger and frustration?
Again, I need to stress this point: I was in no means uncomfortable, hungry or craving anything. But everything was just wrong with the world! Annelie broke down crying and as of this evening still has no idea why. But she too was perfectly fine… physically.
Anyway, it’s an interesting train of thought none the less.
To mix it up a bit, I’ve made my own special soup, using the left over veggie stock, miso paste and fresh vegetables. I really like it, and it’s a nice change from the pumpkin soup I’ve been scoffing none stop!
[G, out]
RPG heroes are jerks
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