kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

March 27, 2010

Detox day 20: Saturday

Posted by G-force

I was up and going by 09:00, logged in and getting the pesky work related stuff out of the way. Enjoyed it over a nice warm brew of lemon water. The rest of the day I had more fruit and left over veggies. Also knocked back the leftovers we sliced up for the sushi the other night. Basically just cleaned out the fridge of any salads and whatnot that’s on its way out.

I hit my treatment in the evening and my scans looked a little, well, black in spots here and there. Turns out that I shouldn’t eat so many almonds through out the day. I will admit, I was pigging out on them yesterday and today, so I guess that’s why. No matter, I’ll cut down on those and see what we can see next week.

Dinner was Sushi again, cus we love it.

Oh, and I finished Drakes Fortune! Epic game man, EEEEPIC.

[G, out]

Like an oompa loompa on crack