kicking it old skool

random bursts of useless information

April 01, 2010

Detox day 25: Fools-Thursday

Posted by G-force

Happy April Fools day. Altough we were so preoccupied with the Schengen-Shuffle this morning we hardly took notice. And Annelie is still feeling wretched. Shame man, she was not having fun in the least.

I managed to dart up to my accountants offices to make a few last minute copies of bank statements and visas (SOOOO glad I did!!). Turns out they were kinda serious about having both the originals and the copies prepared!

Anyhoo, got that out of the way so hopefully we’ll have 2 shiny new visas in time for our Verbier tour. Be a great excuse to use them to check out Paris, Spain and Germany in the short 3 months we have them (couldn’t get 6… since my Limited Leave to remain ends in September… bummer).

Food! Yes, food wise, it was quick hot lemon juice and fruit on the run (did I mention we overslept!?). And then I had to dash for work, post off an ebay item and try and look like I add value (I do not).

Got home, and we made some chicken breast with roast veggies and yes, rice.

Home stretch baby, only a few more hours to go!

